As a business owner, you might feel the urge to diversify and cross-sell a variety of products to your existing customers. While this strategy might seem smart, it can unintentionally undermine the long-term value of your company.
In this eBook, we will delve into the strategic advantages of focusing on a singular, differentiated offering. We will present data from an analysis of more than 20,000 businesses, showing how the riches are indeed in the niches.
Like bungee jumping, getting married, or hiking the Grand Canyon, selling your business is something you’re likely only going to do once in your life. There’s no practice tee and no batting cage, so it’s worth doing a little planning beforehand.
In this eBook, you’ll get inside the mind of an acquirer to understand what potential buyers of your business are looking for.
As an owner, your business is not just a source of income; it’s an investment.
From financial performance and growth potential to customer satisfaction and the business’s reliance on your personal involvement, we’ll explore in detail the eight key factors that drive business value.
Building a successful business is more than just a path to financial independence; it's a deeply personal journey filled with emotional highs and lows.
These aspects of entrepreneurship are as crucial as managing the business itself. Discover practical advice on how to manage your emotional journey of entrepreneurship.
For a successful exit, you need to be able to say a hearty “Yes!” to two important questions:
1. Is your business ready for you to exit?
2. Are you ready to exit?
It’s an easy question to ask, but it can be difficult to answer. This is why we’ve created a five-step action plan to ensure you have a happy, lucrative exit from your business.
How do you determine the value of your business?
You might think this involves an in-depth look at your books, sizing up the market, and many other types of quantitative analysis.
But a study of 1,511 companies uncovered an often-omitted factor when assessing company value—the business owner.
You’ll discover:
- The surprisingly simple strategy behind one founder’s $87 million exit
- The strategic move that took one company from being worth three times EBITDA to more than 13 times in just two years
- The 10/40 rule and how it can jack up your take from the sale of your business
Have you ever wondered how to make a business less reliant on its owner? The answer is to “productize” the service.
This is the process of breaking down the service into a series of steps and packing it like a tangible offering. We’ve developed an eBook outlining an 8-step approach to help you productize your service.
How would you rate your ability to delegate?
If you’re like most business owners, you probably give yourself a decent grade. However, if you’re constantly finding yourself disappointed in people on your team, the problem may be less about them and more about your ability to delegate effectively.
Does your business lack organization around basic tasks? Do your employees seem reliant on you? Are you questioning how you can improve your growing business and its value?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, implementing SOPs may be what you need to solve your problems.
After Reading Our FREE, Detailed 41-page PDF, Here’s What You Will Know and Understand:
What Your Business Is Worth?
How To Increase the Value of Your Business
The Business Sales Process
How Long Does It Take to Sell?
Is Your Business Sellable?
When to Sell?
Confidentially Marketing the Business
Deal Structuring
Common Deal Killers
Common Myths About Selling a Business